Supplies you will need are card stock, scissors, Stylus 5mm/8mm, foam mat or molding pad, adhesive, stamped or digital image and any embellishments.
Step 1:
Stamp desired image twice. If you are using a digital image like I have using
Sunflower Power, remember they need to be the EXACT same size when printed. I just copy and paste the image after I have desired size. Color as desired, keeping in mind that the main part of the flower only needs some light shading on one of the images, since it will be covered. I have a light layer of yellows on mine. The second image will be the one you place on top so color as you would like it to be seen on creation.
Step 2:
Cut around the second flower edges as shown. This is the one we will be adding dimension to.
Step 3:
Looking at the front of the flower you choose, decide which petal portions you would like to have popped up. Being that I used a sunflower there are several petals so I have cut between the majority of them. Shown is the back to so you can tell how they are cut between on the lines
Step 4:
Starting with the big ball on the end of your stylus you will press down on each petal and use a circular motion to make an impression on each petal. Here I am showing half of the sunflower rolled up from the technique
Step 5:
This is what it should look like when you have rolled all the petals
Step 6:
Turn over the flower and you will have to use your hand to help guide just the center of the flower down. Roll the stylus in just the center of the flower, leaving the petals rounded. Some of the petals will naturally start to flatten when you are rolling the center, that is okay as we will lift them up again when we put it on the card base
Step 7:
Create card base with main panel and decorate needed items. I have a simple gingham layer with some wrapped twine and a button combo. Adhere the flower to the center of flower base. I would suggest lining up the flower before adding adhesive to make sure all the lines match up. Once adhered to the card base you can finish decorating as desired
Step 8:
This is where you can lift one petals edge higher than the others using the tip of something to make them all different. I use scissors or my scoring tool that is smaller.
Step 9:
Here is my finished card. I have added stickles for a little bit of sparkle along with some sequins and my sentiment tag