This first one is of the loved ones who helped make this happen for us girls! From left to right is Christine's Family, Julie's Family and then my family. The husbands and kids were amazing the whole time. Not everyone could bring the family we are counting them in for next time though. What a blessing, THANK YOU for all your love and support for us Flourishes girls. You help us be who we are and we love you for it.
Here is a beautiful picture of the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. Breath taking view from up above. Several made the long hike to the bottom, I stayed up at the top with a few of the kids. hee hee
SQUEEL!!! Look who I met for the first time, the adorable Tosha! She is the newest designer at Flourishes and a friend from SCS long before. Tosha has a heart of gold and was just a darling to my sweet boys. Even when they were teasing about My Fro Yo! HA!!! Tosha you are a gem girlie...
This is not a great photo sorry. The sun was out for half the day and the rest it was raining so I can't complain too much. Here we are at the canyon again. The boys were getting cold hence the sweatshirts if you can believe it. ;-)
Here is Christine and myself. Oh sweet friend you and your family were such a blessing to us. I am amazed that we could make this trip happen. And to think all the kids just clicked right out the gates. ;-) Loved every minute with your family.
The kids all had a wonderful time playing Lego's, ping pong ball, having smores and sight seeing, the works. They all clicked and have made friendships to go along with the mom's. I LOVE it!
One of the fun things we did was White Water Rafting! Oh my WORD!!! It was a total blast and first time for my family. WOW!!!! The You can't see everyone in this photo, Julie is in the middle behind Sharon, me and one of my sons are on the far right and the rest you can see. However, I had to show this picture because Julie's daughter is in the front of the boat and she looks like she is having way too much fun! ha ha This was amazing FUN!
We ended our Yellowstone Day at sunset with Old Faithful blowing! What a way to end the day. I like seeing the boys and the show in between them. They are my heart and love them dearly. There will be more pictures from the other girls in the coming days so be on the look out! Have a great day!