Good morning. Yes, it has been several weeks since I have posted anything or stamped for that matter. The Power Poppy
Power and Spark challenge this month is exactly what I have been working on the last few weeks. Check it out....
HOW TO PLAY: Recently on the Power Poppy newsletter, Ms. Marce shared just how important it is -- for our health, our vitality, our ability to do for others -- to soak up some "me" time and slow down to enjoy life's moments. So, this month's challenge isn't about making a card, following a sketch, or using a certain color palette. It's about YOU. Let's hear what Marcy has to say....
Hi, everybody! This month, I encourage you to reflect, revive, and rejuvenate your very being. I call it “soaking up Vitamin ME!” It is so important to fill your soul with the things that bring you peace, joy, and energy. Whether it’s exercise, prayer or meditation, time spent outdoors, time doing activities you love, taking a bubble bath — what fills you up with a renewed sense of purpose? LEAVE A COMMENT ON THIS BLOG POST about what YOU will do to care for yourself this month!
One comment will be randomly selected to win a $50 gift code to spend at Power Poppy. If you’d like to post a card that celebrates how you get your Vitamin ME, we have a link for that, too!
xoxoxoxo and I am so proud of you for getting your Vitamin ME.
This challenge is exactly what I have been working on the last month. Some of it has been voluntary and some of it not so much but that just means it was higher priority and I wasn't aware. In one of my last posts I had shared that my new books had arrived and I was going to spend sometime enjoying catching up on some new books. That was my goal and I did get in one of them before the onslaught of baseball games started. You might not think that is Vitamin ME, but anytime with my boys is vitamin for my soul. Especially now that they are only two years from graduation. The time is flying... practically running by us John said. Wishing I could slow time down for these last few years. Here is a picture of one at bat. They are varsity this year and doing AWESOME! The new jerseys will be in this week, woot woot! We signed them up to take some college level classes through Running Start this week and that sure did put the focus on what time is left with them. Exciting and sad all at the same time.

Another thing I have been working on for me is going to the gym and making sure I am healthier as I get older. The beloved saying "over 40" is causing me to lose weight at a much slower pace than before. Can't change the years but I can make sure to work harder at it now. I can say enjoy it more! Going to the gym was always a hit or miss but lately I go at least 4-5 times a week and ENJOY going. Have lost 9 pounds since Dec 1st and can say that I WANT to go each night, late in the evening or not I go and enjoy it. After I feel good!
For Christmas my husband bought me a new camera and some lens to play with. What a learning curve that has been and thank you for baring with me and my photo's. Now that the weather is trying to turn to spring I have had some springy shots to try. Here is our large Cherry Blossom tree out front, at least I think its a cherry blossom tree. I am working on different focus on the camera for these. Lots to learn, lots to learn but so fun.

So boys, books, baseball and trying to learn a new hobby with photos has been my vitamin me lately. I mentioned a involuntary focus as of late and that is our fur baby Ranger. He gave us a big scare 3 weeks ago. It was a very long weekend and we are thankful to say he is fine now and all is well. Not a weekend I want to have again anytime at all. Couldn't get a picture of that rascal to post up so I will share an older one with you. He is the fur baby of my life and he makes me HAPPY! He is winking at you in this one, heck I still have my braces on in this picture. ha!
As I try to get around to coloring more and maybe even some blog hopping I would like to hear what your Vitamin ME is. So share and post on the
Power and Spark Vitamin ME thread on the PP Blog.
Be sure to check out the Bloom Brigades Vitamin ME:
Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day!