CTgirl said...
What a fun card! I like your colour combo an all the little details! Great!!
The winner of Clear Dollar Stamps I Heart U Monthly Blog hop is:
Dee in N.H. said...
Cute! I love that lamb and also the cool shape you made with the dies!
Please Email me at Twinshappy1 at yahoo dot com and I will mail or email out your prize to you accordingly. Thanks for joining the blog hops.
Now for the winners in Vegas! DH had a business trip last week in Vegas and I actually got to go on this trip. Very last minute, we rushed around trying to line up grandma and grandpa to watch the kids and Ranger. Let the school now we were going to be gone etc. Flew out to Vegas for the first time ever for both of us. So this was going to be a little bit of fun with business at the same time. We had a great time with the little bit we got to see. This is us on a very cold night looking out down the strip. It was about 30 degrees at night and we did not bring the warm enough jackets but this worked. Sorry for the blurry picture. I was cold trying to smile. ha!

For the last we have Dustin Ellermann. He is just as humble in person as he is on the show. What a down to earth guy. We got to talk a bit with him off to the side. Doesn't care much for the major attention as you would imagine. Talked about the camp and how the twins wanted to go to it this summer. ha He said might be a bit of a trip for us from way over here. They are doing good the family is just happy to have him home again. Very sweet man!

We chatted with a few of the others that we already know. Funny how in this sport you get to actually *talk* to the people where like Golf of Football you can't talk to the celebrate as much. If that makes sense. Anyways had a great time away in Vegas. It was not at all what I thought, very clean and our hotel was great. I don't gamble or drink (GASP I know sorry boring mom here) ha Taking in all the sights and cool stuff was great, wish we had more time during the day so we didn't cram it all into the evenings. Managed to get 25k steps aday though. Lots of walking! Well we now have to shovel snow off the driveway. Our plane was delayed because of the snow and freezing rain we got. I am just glad to finally be home! Have a great day!

Aaaaack! Sister, Top Shot! Seriously! Oh my goodness-I love all those guys, but Dustin, yeah... he is a sweetie! What a thrill it had to be for you & the hubby. So glad you had such a great time, and LOVE that you got some IRL Top Shot! (((hugs))))
Great pics and what an interesting event :) What a great experience being able to talk to the top guys too (I"ll take #1 LOL).
So glad you were able to wrangle up baby sitters, Vegas is awesome! Oh my goodness he is adorable! Sounds like fun
Looks like you had a great time. Glad you enjoyed.. You deserved it!!!
Awwwe, looks like you had an AWESOME mini trip in Vegas! My friend and her husband just went there to celebrate his birthday and she said it was COLD....-1 degrees Celsius at night...zero is freezing temperature so, just below freezing...oh man!
Anyway, GLAD you had FUN!
GET OUT! Top Shot...are you kidding me! Can you spell j-e-a-l-o-u-s!! Lucky woman! Glad you got to go & had a great time!
That sounds like a blast!!!! I've never been to Vegas either. Sounds like fun even without throwing all that money into machines!
Sounds like an event my husband would have been interested in! Glad you had a great time!
Great pics Stace. Sounds like you had a fun trip!
WOW!! Lovin' that you finally got to experience Las Vegas and wow to TOP SHOT!!! That sounds like a great blast, especially with Mr. Handsome George by your side.. :) ....yummmmmmy, aaahhm, ah, I mean, Glad you got to go on the trip too and that you had fun. What? no fun gambling or drinking?? hhhmmm.... and brrrrr, Sorry to hear it that cold. When we were there last year, temp was 106 degrees. Other extreme of temps. HOT! And as you can imagine, the Lively Vegas People were wearing practically NOTHING. LOL!
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