Morning. Yesterday our beloved Ranger suddenly passed away. :-( Words can't even express how sad we are, butI think mostly shocked since we weren't expecting it. That is the part I can't even express is the shock. Life sucks sometimes!
Ranger is the BEST dog you could ever have. He was my fur baby from the get go on my birthday 8 years ago. He was like a third child in our home and always with the family. Not a person would meet him and not fall in love with him. Always so gentle and friendly, unless you are the UPS man then he barks to tell you just leave it at the door. ha ha! A beautiful dog, great companion, and such a part of my heart. I am gonna miss you puppers. R.I.P.
We were all looking through pictures and videos on our phones and camera so I thought I would share a few while I try to remember he was so loved and loved us so much.

Oh, Stacy, my heart has just broken for you. This is shocking, devastating news. I'm not sure how I'd be managing in your situation. The photos are bittersweet memories and I hope they helped ease the pain a bit. So sudden and so sad. I'm sorry a thousand times over. Sending the biggest hug.
Marisela Delgado said: My beagle was named Monster. That's what kind of puppy he was. ha-ha My little boy got sick and as Mama, I had to decide to put him to sleep. Yes, we had him for 14 years, but he was my child. He used sit outside at night with me as I said my prayers so we had him buried in our backyard. So, he is still with me as I say prayers. It has been almost 4 years and I still miss him. I am sorry for Ranger, but he loved you. I think the Lord is big enough to understand your loss. He made Ranger for you. =) Marisela Delgado in San Antonio, Texas That's Mari and Monster D =)
So sorry. He was a beautiful dog and looked very well loved.
He was beautiful
So sorry for your loss. It is so hard to lose a pet, they are part of the family. Take care.
Oh Stacy, I'm so sorry for your loss! I know how devastating this can be for you and the family. You have some beautiful pictures here and I'm sure lots of wonderful memories. Your in my thoughts. Take care,
Stacy, that is such hard news...I wouldn’t be nearly as brave as you. This happened with our first Golden years ago...our kids were young then and I was a busy Mom...and not prepared at all. It is never easy for sure. My heart goes out to all of you. Your photos are so precious! What a well loved dog Ranger was!
Oh no!! I remember when you posted about getting hard to lose a fur baby :( Cried hard when we had to put our 22 year old cat down and can't imaging losing Paddington (our replacement kitty) as they bring such joy and character to a house. Hugest of hugs to you and the family
Oh Stacy! I am so sorry. I didn’t know till tonight. Sweet lady, I know how much you loved that boy. Just know I’m praying for your heart. Much love to you.
Oh, sweet Stacy! I am so sorry to read about Ranger and am heartbroken for your loss! I know how much you absolutely loved Ranger and how much he has been one of the family and gone everywhere with you and loved you so dearly! There is a special love of the wonderful pets that God has given us, and I am praying for you and the boys as your hearts hurt so much. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos of your beloved Ranger. I especially love the first one. You are so beautiful and looked so happy there with your handsome Ranger. Much love, precious friend, and tender hugs! xoxo
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