The test for the parasite came back and come to find out he does not have any parasites, which is GREAT. The levels were high more than likely do to pollen or something to do with allergies, but we are parasite free and the vet was very pleased with that. Me not so much as now we are dealing with leaving Ranger on this medication.
The vet said his organs and everything looks great from the blood work. He was very pleased with the information. By this Friday he should be back to his playful self and acting normal with the level of medication he is on. If he is not then we will slowly back it down to a level that is normal behavior. Being that Ranger is only 2 years old he said that he wants to keep him on the med's for 6 months and then slowly take him off of it and not risk taking him off now until his body adjusts. He says the risk is too great if we try it now so he recommends the 6 month mark. DH and I agreed yet I am still a little leery of him on med's. I am not a huge fan of medications so this is a learning thing for me.

Ranger as you can see from the photo I took last night, wants to play and take his walks as usual which is great. Yet he still walks like a sailor home off leave for a few days. ha! Short walks it is as in 2 blocks and coming from our normal 2 mile walks this is huge. He is pretty tired after the walks so I know we are going far enough right now. Hopefully by Friday he is back to his normal furry self and I will feel a bit better. Thank you so much for all the prayers. A few of you have emailed me with helpful info and I do appreciate all of it. Let's hope that this is a case of one and done for both Ranger's sake and my own. :0)

I was just going to email you and ask how he was doing. How are you doing lady? Thinking about you!
Oh thanks for the update Stacy. So glad to read he is on the mend, even if you don't know from what. I think he deserves a new doggie toy for everything he has been through LOL!
Oh my! I missed that he wasn't feeling good....Hope it all goes well for both of you!
Glad to hear Ranger's on the upswing. :-)
Thanks for the update. So happy to hear he doesn't have the parasite :) Meds aren't fun (plus they are expensive) but it they help in the long haul it is probably worth it, especially since he is so young. That way you can enjoy him for many more years :) Hang in there! Big cyber hug sent your way.
Thank you for the update on Ranger, Stacy! I've been thinking about him so much and you and the family too. It is sounding ever-so-much better news but I know too that until he finishes the meds and the Vet says he's in the clear, you'll still be worried. I would be too. Positive thoughts and prayer of healing for handsome Ranger.
This is great news Stacy! So glad to hear that there no parasite and that the meds are helping him feel better. Hang tough girl... sounds like he'll be just fine! Thinking of you!
oh Stacy thanks for the update he looks great and so pleased that he sounds as he is coming through it all, my baby okay she is nine now has been on meds from 9 months and she is fine and sometimes thinks she is still 9 months old, so I am sure that Ranger will be fine too, great news
Hugs Kate xx
What a beautiful beautiful German Shepard, I've had several of them over the years. Hopefully he will be okay. Mary L Schreiber
Poor baby. I'm still hoping this will pass and never happen again. I didn't know seizures were so common in German Shepherds. I'll bet he hasn't complained for a minute, sweet little guy. I'm so sorry for your worries, Stacy, and I appreciate the update. I checked in today just to see how he was doing. Hang in there!
I just read about Ranger, thanks for the update. Keep us posted, it must have been such a scary experience for you and the boys.
P.S. I wil say a prayer to St. Francis for him He is the patron saint of animals.
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