hee hee !! Good morning! Just for the record I did not choose their numbers, they did. #3 was taken other wise 18 would of been 3 for Wilson, but I kinda like #18. :-) They are playing like Manning and Rodgers if you ask us!!!! We only have a few games left and thought I need to share at least one picture. Time gets away from me and I forget. They were already dressing down in this picture after the game, but I like their smiles. We made history in middle school football with this game and they earned it. What a game! Both sides of the ball were outstanding!

We play 8 man football and only have 10 players this year. Gasp! That means, yes they play both defense and offense and are on the field the entire game. This is not a bad thing as we get lots of playing time and experience on both sides of the ball. The teams we play, well they usually have a few more players and can sub in fresh players which makes for some interesting games. This team you see in the back we played last year and they totally creamed us and we thought it would be the same this year. They have about 25 players to our 10. However this year it was a TIE 19/19 game and what a game. Curtis scored 2 TD and Nathan scored 1 TD. They score extra points different in MS football and we only made 1 of the extra points hence the 19 score. The twins and only one other of the boys are returning players from last year so they are really excited that they tied this game.
The sportsmanship from these men is wonderful and I could not be more proud of them. The entire team to be honest is amazing. We really enjoy watching them play and just have fun! I am already talking to the HS coach and trying to find my place on the sidelines for next year. No way I am gonna be regulated to the stands... I get too excited running down the field side lines with them. hee hee Some of my videos are interesting as the camera is shaking as I run and you hear me screaming run run you got this. LOL Yes, I am that mom. Someone's gotta do it. ;-)
On another note we have been so busy reviving and making changes to the Booster Club as we are now president and secretary. Did I mentioned that here? Needless to say God gave us this passion and vision for where he wants the club to go for future and we are trying to put that into motion. Talk about blind faith!! God has been sending us confirmation after confirmation that this is what he wants us to do and yet at times are like " are you sure we can do that" ? Isn't it funny as man we still doubt at times if it can be done. It seems too big or out of reach. I am telling myself daily that it is the blind faith that will keep that doubt away. We changed over to this school 3 years ago and the first year was a rough transition. I look back now and think what an amazing time he helped us grow as we are now in another growing stage, yet different growth. This is more growth for John and myself and stretching us in areas we have been "comfortable" in I would say. For John to step up and be president you know it had to be God. ha ha We are very involved in a lot of the boys activities but president is one thing we never would of planned to do. All the ideas and vision we have brought to the school board and the athletic director have been the spark they have been needing. God is so good! As our pastor said last week, God knows the answers, before we even see the problem.
Being that it is World Card Making Day, not sure I am going to get any creating in today but I sure hope to try. Thanks for listening and sharing in my little piece of life today. Have a wonderful weekend!