Good morning! Thought I would share a picture for you of what my life is right now. My husband and I have woke up to a reality as of late. The above photo is from a Calvin n Hobbes comic strip that is one of my (and husbands) all time favorites. Calvin the little boy is super active, fun and creative. His antics always made me laugh. I told my husband if we have boys like that oh we are in a world of hurt. One day we thought oh my goodness... this is our twins. HA!!! This picture reminds me of how sweet they are still at heart and I just smile. Miss these days...
And then we woke up to this one day. ha ha!! This is my other favorite comic called Zits. His name is Jeremy and a teenage boy through and through. The more we look at our twins the more we see them in these comics. Aaaahhhh.. the time sure does fly it seems.
The boys would read the Calvin and Hobbes comic books we have and giggle and play out some of the things they read. Now they read the Zits and laugh at those and agree with some of them. Especially with the computer related ones. Although its mostly outdated computer lingo as hubby says but funny the same. When I am dropping them off at school and watch them walk in I just see how grown godly men they are becoming and I just smile..... and maybe sniffle a little. It is a natural part of life growing up I just didn't think it was coming so fast. ;-) Anyways, just wanted to share a little smile with you and let you know where I am spending my time more lately. With these two young men before the are gone and don't want to spend time with the old folks. hee hee Hope you have a wonderful day. Go hug your kids! :-)

I know exactly what you mean. My son is the same age and he is growing into a fine young man as I am sure yours are too. I just can't believe mine is taller than me and he is so sweet. I want time to sloooowww down. Hugs from one teen mom to another.
Ah, Stacy, yes, the grow up far too quickly!! And I'm sure your twins will be (if not already) taller than you are and grown before you know it! Praise God they love the Lord and you and John are seeing how God is moving in their lives! Thanks for sharing the great cartoons and thoughts. You are a treasure! Hugs!
Yep, I try to imagine my adult children as babies, it seems like just yesterday. You are such a good Mom Stace.
Yup. Want to stop time sometimes myself. My "baby" is 6' and still growing and a wonderful kid :) Love him to bits and praying and working like crazy to allow him to become all God has called him to be.
Yes, I worked with Billy Graham in 1986/87 in Amsterdam (as well as in 1984 for the summer prepping for the Vancouver, BC Crusade). Was an amazing year to say the least!! He came and did staff devotions four times over the course of the year and spoke at our staff retreat. A very, very humble man who said his knees still shook before he preached as he knew the importance of what he was to share and wanted to make sure it was God speaking and not him. Also wanted to retire several times and God said no. Those clear blue eyes of his made you feel like he could read your soul and every sin you had ever committed LOL! A simply amazing, God fearing and loving man who has such a heart for the lost. A total honor to have been able to work for his organization.
It's a bittersweet time to see them growing into young men. You'll have a hurdle to cross, but it's good on the other side, too. I know you'll enjoy and savor this time and you'll always be glad you did.
I used to scold my boys (all 4 of them) for growing up! lol I would beg them to stop growing. Of course I was kidding and they knew it, but oh my... And now they have blessed me with 6 grandchildren so far. And my youngest just graduated from college this past week. It is bitter sweet... but mainly sweet. Enjoy them.. every phase and every moment. I know you do.
Oh what a sweet post, Stacy! Enjoy every teeny tiny moment you can with those amazing and your husband should be very proud! Sending big hugs to ya.....
That's hilarious!!!!
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